Blue Tongued Snake

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My first experiences with Harry Potter

For a long time my parents have been nagging me to read Harry Potter books and now that I'm reading them, it's just like, so exciting, that I just can't stop, even though I'm on the first book. It is so good that I take all my spare time to read Harry Potter books, because they're actually very interesting.

Also it's very surprising that in the first book he goes from a baby to a 10-year old boy.

I didn't actually read the book first; I watched the Chamber of Secrets (second movie) and it was very good. So, I started reading all the books but I'm not going to skip number 2 because I want to see what it's like.

If I had a choice if I could go to my regular school which I go to or Hogwarts, I would go to Hogwarts because I've never learned magic before and I would love to learn magic. Also I would get to live there.

I learned that Harry Potter's last name was written in lightning on the book cover because he had a lightning scar, which I never knew that he had.

Da Capo (by Ruru)

It's been years, of course, since I read the first Harry Potter book, and now that I've finished the series I thought it would be interesting to do a re-read. First of all, I didn't remember that the book starts with the defeat of Voldemort and the death of Harry's parents. My, I thought my memory was better than that!

It's interesting to consider Harry's aunt Petunia's behaviour in light of what we learn later about her early attitude to witchcraft (ok, I'd better stop so no spoilers).

I've only re-read the first two chapters, but I have to say that the descriptions of Dudley are quite funny - as a baby he's a "large pink beach ball", and later a "pig in a wig"! That's my favorite part so far. Well, that and Harry's conversation with a snake - I didn't realize he spoke to snakes already!

Harry Potter book club

So we agreed to start a book club for reading Harry Potter and write on this blog ...