Blue Tongued Snake

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My first experiences with Harry Potter

For a long time my parents have been nagging me to read Harry Potter books and now that I'm reading them, it's just like, so exciting, that I just can't stop, even though I'm on the first book. It is so good that I take all my spare time to read Harry Potter books, because they're actually very interesting.

Also it's very surprising that in the first book he goes from a baby to a 10-year old boy.

I didn't actually read the book first; I watched the Chamber of Secrets (second movie) and it was very good. So, I started reading all the books but I'm not going to skip number 2 because I want to see what it's like.

If I had a choice if I could go to my regular school which I go to or Hogwarts, I would go to Hogwarts because I've never learned magic before and I would love to learn magic. Also I would get to live there.

I learned that Harry Potter's last name was written in lightning on the book cover because he had a lightning scar, which I never knew that he had.


Blogger Unknown said...

Reading harry Potter. Woo Hoo!!!!!

9:49 PM  
Blogger Maia X said...

Harry Potter is so good, hope you get to reading it!

9:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Once I get done with my copious homework, I'm going to start re-reading Harry Potter too.

10:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hope you have fun reading it!

11:06 AM  

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